Youth Poems - Part 2

MAP Youth did an activity Big Group Meeting MAP Youth penned "I am" and "I am feeling" poems. Youth had the opportunity to reflect and express themselves in writing. Below are two examples of MAP Youth Poems:

Laliya - I am from Poem

I am from the place where the dust never settles I am from a port where the languages are just as intricate as the dishes I am from the land whoes private/public beaches are warm. I am from a place that greets guest where even the poor has tea to offer with chapati on the side or maziwa ya chai I am from brightly colored fabrics and I am returning to it.
Sara - I am feeling Poem

Today I am feeling like my strawberry seeds I started growing. Even Though I feed it water everyday nothing happens, even though I give it everything it needs sunlight fertilizer water space its still not growing. Slowly ever so slowly it grows but not enough to notice or pay any credit to. I know it takes a long time to start sprouting but what if it doesn't even amount to a good sized strawberry plant. My other plant is growing just fine, it has nice green leaves and flowers started sprouting. It’ll probably be fine but i’m worried. sometimes I feel like everything I do is for naught all the school work I do all the bread I tried and failed at making . My strawberry plant will probably grow up just fine its just taking a long time to grow probably because it started late. Maybe the dirt needs to be changed. Maybe it needs more sunlight. My mint started growing though !! maybe I should feel like my mint it pops up the right time and is enough to make tea.

