Hey it’s Carisma again. How have you been? I’ve been great. Our chili starter is doing great. We just had a chili starter promotion at Chateau Buffalo on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. Six different chefs made their own variety of chili starting with our chili starter. All of the chili was good. We even had some vegetarian varieties. The promotion went very well, and according to schedule. At the beginning it was a little slow, but around 2:30 it started to pick up. At 2:00 we opened the doors for people to come in, and start tasting the chili. A lot of people liked the chili with venison in it, especially with the lime. They also liked SaSha’s hot chili. Her chili was extremely hot, yet very good. We really didn’t have to do much. Mostly we filled people’s cups with the kind of chili they wanted. We also told them what was in the different kinds of chili. Our chili was pretty popular also, but in the end it was the spiciness of Sasha’s chili that won her the prize. She won a nice basket that had wine, and some really good chocolate. The chocolate came from Chocoloco, which is a chocolate factory in Buffalo. I’ve been told they have the best chocolate. I don’t know if that is true because I’ve never been there, but someday I hope to go. I’ll tell you a little secret, I love chocolate. The best part was when Channel 2 news was there. I didn’t even see them come in. I looked up and there was the camera right in my face. The first time I saw the camera I looked up and said, “Hi!” I don’t remember if I waved or not but if I did I hope they cut that part out. The promotion was from 2:00 to 5:00, and the whole day was exciting, and fun. I know you are probably thinking I’ve mentioned the food, but I said nothing about anything to drink. Well lucky for us Chateau Buffalo happens to sell wine, and other things to drink. So we provided the food, and they provided the drinks. Of course because there happened to be people under the drinking age, we also served water, and Ginger beer. Ginger beer does not have any alcohol in it whatsoever. It has a ginger flavor to it, and it is really good.