Hey guys its me Carisma from Growing Green Works. Well today we did a session on what is and is not participation for our group. We made a big list of what participation really is and is not. Did you know staring off into the distance can be seen as not participating? I of course have to remind myself to not do that during the summer. I have to set a good example for the in comingd kids me being a veteran in all. So if any of you bloggers out there know Marques Houston, please tell him to stay out of my head. On the up side if we bring useful ideas to the group, not having side conversations, and are showing we are really interested in what the group is doing at the time we are participating. We only have five more class days until we break for a few weeks before the summer jobs start so its not a lot of time to get ready to interview and teach and stuff for the new GG youth. Have you ever had a little amount of time to get something memorized and found yourself cramming to mefmorize it? Well that's the exact way I feel right now. The surprising thing is I found that cramming actually works for me. With the help of Zoe and the other people in the business group I know I can learn all the rules not just memorize them.Well I'll talk to you later I have to go. This is Carisma saying over and out.