Environmental racism is what it sounds like, using the environment as a way to implement racism. Whether that be making lower income families live in a certain section of the town and also place nuclear plants, factories or other possibly harmful substances in that area. Along with that they also don't inform the community. By the time they find out it's too late. Family, kids, and even pets would have already had a long exposure to the harmful substance resulting in cancer,defects, and more plethora of ailments. The state even helps to overlook the harmful substance by lowering houses knowing that people living there couldn't get the house at the same price anywhere else.
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My biology teacher is a perfect example of this. He settled down in the Tonawanda area in New York. There's a nuclear site there. His son was conceived and shortly after delivering their son to their surprise he was born with webbed/ conjoined fingers. After a few surgeries his son was able to function with an extra finger. There was a lawsuit as expected and even though my biology teacher was living in the area. He was in the initial setup of the lawsuit no compensation was made. When he talked about his story he mentioned how he is grateful it was not as bad as the others. A world we live in. This sadly is an all too familiar story.Where people growing in an area of a testing site end up enduring ailments and will be hands on with the lawsuit but the chance of victory is slim and not everyone gets proper compensation. Compensation does not have to be money wise, it could be as simple as paying for medical bills, supplying proper housing, and much more. For the very least acknowledgement should be made.