Win's highlights from NESAWG

Photo by Birch K
My name is Win, and I am a sophomore at Performing Arts. On November 8th to November 11th I went to Baltimore for a conference called NESAWG. A highlight from my trip was staying in the hotel. I liked the hotel experience because it make me feel responsible and like an adult. It was cool coming back and forth from the restaurant late at night or conference sessions and using my own key card to get back to my room.

Another highlight from my trip was going to Washington DC to talk to legislators. It felt so unreal that I talked to legislators and could express my thoughts and opinions to help change the world. Another reason why going to DC was a highlight is because I learned things I never new about our capital. I learned that it isn't a state and the land is owned by the government. People in Washington can own their house, but whenever the government needs the land the house is on they can knock on your door and you have to move.
