Stakeholder Document for GFPP

By Acour D

The health and well being of youth in school is crucial to their progress as students and soon, contributive members of society. If we in Buffalo hope to excel and play a role in shaping the formation of this country, it all starts in our schools and what we put into the bodies of our students; in terms of both knowledge and food.

The Good Food Purchasing Program seeks to improve the overall nutrition options within the Buffalo Public School systems. It’s core values and mission are: improving the value of the workforce in food systems, the welfare of animals used for food, nutritional options, building a sustainable environment, and the local economy.

The first step is to let people know that such an option exists. That’s why we think it’s important that all Buffalo news stations and outlets broadcast and share this info to their communities. If we, the people, parents, students are not aware that such an opportunity exists, we are doomed to repeat the cycle that continuously produces tired, malnourished, disengaged students.

What we have right now isn’t working in the best interests of all students and families. If we wish to see change, then we must ourselves become that agent of change.
