Birch's thoughts on attending NESAWG

By Birch (Sam) K

The first thing I attended at NESAWG was the People of Color Caucus. It wasn't so much of a presentation as a discussion. I also went to the first youth track and it was presented by the Youth Food Network. I remember also going to the networking session about millennials in the food system, though I don't remember the presenters.

This year I really got to learn about other youth-driven organizations. I was really inspired by the range of age and how willing everyone was to learn and teach across our generational gaps. I also didn't learn so much as get experience really going in depth.

Well I networked with plenty of people my own age and I think I’m really bringing hope back to Buffalo. Hope that the movement we love so much will be strengthened by our newly made connections. I also met a woman who will be giving me a summer farm job in Rochester so I will be bringing that experience back to MAP too.
