Summer garden update

By Birch

Last week the youth garden was looking pretty good. It rained a bit recently, and combined with our increased watering efforts the squash isn’t as sad. Also, the kale I planted with Kalil and Cameron last week has sprouted.

I’d say our cukes are doing the best by far. We’ve been getting the most consistent harvest from them. Also the arugula, before we ate it, did really good. Most everything else is struggling to stay alive. The strawberries were hit pretty hard by the heat.

Our biggest problem is having a watering system. The drought has hit us hard. I think we should bring extra water every week to put into our water barrels.

The Oles Family Farm has a crop rotation plan that involves fallow years. Maybe we could have 1-4 beds in our garden that are only a cover crop to improve the soil quality.
