This past Saturday Growing Green staff and youth employees met at MAP's farm for a morning of work, followed by a party to celebrate the changing seasons and a few birthdays. The March day was sunny and the temperature mild - perfect for cleaning up the farm after a very short winter.
One task we started was moving gravel into the greenhouse. It will make a nice solid, but permeable floor to build more growing space for the coming season.
Teens moved 55 HEAVY wheelbarrows of gravel into the greenhouse to fill in a deep hole.
It's a big pile of gravel - we're going to be working on this project for a while!
We also picked up trash on all the farm properties. A lot of trash collects along our fences from strong lake winds. While picking up trash we met two neighbors who helped us out for a bit.
After working we came back to the center for lunch. Bekah made delicious kale lasagna from her mom's recipe. We also a three-layer birthday cake. Each layer was made from a different kind of vegetable. Recipes will be coming soon!
Te celebrate Levi's birthday we took turns swinging at a pinata with a large metal spoon. When it burst open gold coin chocolates, star hair ties, a googly eyes rained down.
You can see more photos of our party and workday in the album here.