Getting Skills

By Osman Sheikh   

Since I started working at MAP, I have learned a few specific skills that have changed my life. Some of these skills are communications skills, like public speaking and social media, and nutrition skills. These are the main skills that I’ve gotten from working at MAP.

First off, let’s start with public speaking. I think I have improved a lot on this skill since my first day at MAP three summers ago. I remember I used to feel uncomfortable when I talked to big groups of people, but now I feel confident. I make eye contact and I have better posture when I’m speaking. So public speaking was a challenge, but I have worked hard to overcome it and I have.

The second skill I want to mention is social media. In social media, I learned how important hashtags are. Before working at MAP I always thought hashtags were just used for fun, but now I know they are meant to stand out to the people reading your posts. I did a lot of social media shifts at MAP this past fall of 2014. It was my favorite shift and I enjoyed it a lot. We did a lot of searching on FaceBook, Twitter, and other social media websites, and I also typed blog articles, and nothing is better than blog articles, my friends.

The last skill I gained is nutrition skills. This is a skill that I am currently making progress on. As a Mobile Market Specialist for MAP, this summer of 2015, it has been a “bang” time. As in, it’s been awesome. I am learning a lot about the different varieties of each veggie, and I have even learned about some veggies that I didn’t know of before. I’ve been learning to cash customers out, and other fun stuff like that. This is why I chose to apply for the Mobile Market Specialist position.  I wanted to learn how to manage money, because someday I will run a business, and managing money is an important skill to running ones’ own business.

In conclusion, it’s been a good three summers and one fall of working at this beautiful non-profit organization, MAP. All these skills I have learned have made me a better person and taught me a lot of new things. MAP is now like a home where I can come and ask a question and I’ll get a good answer, whether it’s about food, school, or anything in the neighborhood. I look forward to making my last summer here the greatest.
