Hello from Desyonna-Growing Green Works!

Hi, my name is Desyonna. I work for MAP for Growing Green's youth enterprise. I have not yet been here for a year but so far the experience has been great. During my time here I have been to work on our urban farm, I've sold our youth enterprise products at community fairs and holiday bazaars, I helped greet riders at our annual Tour de Farms event for a half way pit stop and much much more. Doesnt that sound like alot?? But thats just a part of what we do here. We also talk alot about ways youth can make positive changes in our communities. Helping people get healthy organic foods that they can afford, helping politicians see why its important to support local farms and what we need to do to put people and the planet first, not corporations. This is a great first job for me. Everything we do helps us learn skills and make the situation better for our communities. Its not easy being a leader but it is good to feel like what I do helps others. I am proud to work at MAP and work with other teens to decide what kind of future we want to create. I wasnt sure what my first job would be like but now I know and I enjoy every moment of it...
